Tracie Valdes

Tell us about your family.
I am originally from St. Louis, Missouri. I came to Florida for college in 1999 and never left. My parents retired to Florida in 2016 to help me raise my children. My daughter will graduate in 2025, and my son attends grammar school at SRCS. I had a traditional Midwest upbringing where we had family dinners nightly, family vacations every summer, and a helping hand was never far.
What are your interests outside of work? 
Outside of work, I spend most of my time with my children and family. My children keep my entertained -- there's never a dull moment. I love to read and travel. I hope to travel to Italy and Greece one day.
What do you most enjoy about your job?
I love being in the classroom and assisting the teachers and students with daily activities. It's very fulfilling to see kindergarteners learn how to read and write. Kindergarteners see the world through a lens that adults sometimes forget about, and it's humbling and wonderous to watch them explore and figure out their world. To adults, seeing is believing, but to a child, believing is seeing.
Anything else you'd like us to know about you?
My journey to knowing Jesus began when my son started preschool in 2021 at SRCS. I attended a pastor's class and have been a church member ever since. I love the partnership the school and church have with parents and staff. I've finally found a place where I belong, and I am so blessed and happy to be a part of SRCS.