At Seven Rivers, we consider it a great honor when a parent chooses to partner with us to educate their child, and we take seriously the responsibility that comes with that honor. The following statements should help provide clarity and understanding of our core principles of education.
What does SRCS believe about a child’s learning potential?
We believe God has a plan and a purpose for every child. We never want to determine a child’s "probable path" based on a perception of their aptitude, but rather through pressing, training, and discipleship, give every child a broad vision for their future.
What do we believe about the process of learning?
We believe children learn best when they first acquire a strong foundation of knowledge in grammar school, then in middle school begin to analyze concepts based on that foundation, and ultimately in high school articulate complex ideas in writing and speech.
What is the teacher’s role in this process of learning?
Instruction should be teacher-led, directing a child's mind to knowledge, truth, beauty, and wisdom.
Why do we offer a liberal arts education at SRCS?
A liberal arts education provides a broad foundation of knowledge, providing instruction for the mind, body, and soul. Although it is a conduit to higher education and career training, it is valuable as an end unto itself. Simply stated, we see learning as an act of worship.
Who benefits from an SRCS education?
Whether students intend to pursue higher education, master a trade, serve in the military, or enter the work force, we believe all will benefit from an SRCS education. Students willing to work hard -- to be pressed, trained, and discipled -- will likely succeed.
What is the end of an SRCS education?
The vision of SRCS is to produce graduates who are passionate about God and His church and who are equipped to thrive in higher education, create healthy families, and bring the joy and peace of the gospel to a broken world.